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iiNet Budii(1031) (Telnet Access)(With Username and Password)

iiNet Budii(1031) (Telnet Access) so telnet was always another open port available to us from the network, although it never responded to any login attempts even if we 100% knew the password and user was correct; This was solvable by one of two approaches. (1) The easiest by far was to simply grab the consumer release of the firmware, inside its folders is a compilable c file for telnet (they've named it telnetc) Budii1016_consumer_release/bcm963xx_4.12L.01_consumer /userspace/gpl/apps/telnetc  this is a pretty basic busybox telnet file a few modifications have been made over the years  one includes this little function     telnet_data_set_autheninfo(&g_telnet_data, "iismshamswii", "i20U18r4E3");     addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");     telnet_data_set_serverinfo(&g_telnet_data, &addr, 23); meaning that iismshamswii will work as the username with i20U18r4E3 as the password so we have logged