//////ZTE MF65 -- EFS acess method / partial Fs dump
In the last mf65 post we covered the local file listing method and briefly touched on the changes to the config file for constant file listing for the sd card functions i managed to soft brick my device by directory transversal on the sd card base path basically the router would try and load the httpshare page, get to the share path and sd base path, ultimately just reading /mmc2/../ and it would just freak out and not load so it sat around for a while. Now im back and have a solution that, fixes my problem and gives us access to the internal files we will need a windows machine (xp++) QPST, the modem drivers and putty (ZTE WCDMA technologies MSM issue ??) (if you cannot find the drivers keep looking they are around try dcunlocker support files(i had to try several drivers before my machine acknowledged them)) using : /goform/goform_process?goformId=MODE_SWITCH&switchCmd=FACTORY ...